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Writer's pictureSki Racing NSW

Maritime Safety Plan 2026

Updated: Oct 8, 2021

Comments on the draft Maritime Safety Plan 2026 Close Soon

To All Ski Racing Members,

Comments on the draft Maritime Safety Plan 2026 and an options paper for new lifejacket wear requirements in NSW close at 11:59pm on September 24th, 2021.

We believe it's highly important that boat owners and users reply to this survey. So you are aware, what’s being proposed is that any vessel under 6 meters (19.6ft), will require all occupants to wear a safety vest either all the time or when underway.

This will have a big impact on the water skiing fraternity on enclosed waters. The Boating Industry Association (BIA) is asking for an 'Option C' that drops this ruling back to 4.8 meters for enclosed waters.

In summary, what we need is for our members to complete this survey whilst ensuring all responses consistent. Entries close this Friday, 24th September 2021. ** 2 Days Left **

Several forums have been held but none have discussed a newly proposed regulation of life jacket requirement for boats up to 6 meters. This is for all passengers, on all water ways.

The Change is:

Current: 4.8 Meters

Proposed: 6.0 Meters

There will be many Boats (Outboards, Malibu’s, Master Crafts etc) that will be now instructed to wear their life jacket whilst motoring. The (BIA) are opposing this recommendation as safety data does not support/warrant the change, particularly in enclosed waters.

To provide feedback, you can:

1) Complete a TfNSW survey on the Have Your Say portal by using the following link:

Note: Qs 9 and 10 do not have to be answered and you can simply go to Q 11 and tick ‘Other’ and insert your own text, then continue with the online Have Your Say.

- OR -

2) Send your comments to Neil Patchett at who will be coordinating the BIA submission. Please send any comments before midnight on Thursday, 23rd September 2021, as the Submission is to be delivered by close of business on Friday, 24th September 2021.

To help members provide feedback, use the below link to access the draft BIA submission:

If you have any queries or you would like further information, please don't hesitate to contact us via email

Yours in Ski Racing,

Kelly Lindsell

Vice Chairperson


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