The following is a message from Ski Racing Australia:
Dear SRA Members – Prospective, Past & Present,
Please find below an update from the Ski Racing Australia Board in relation to the recent COVID outbreaks and also further information in relation to the upcoming season.
The Board of Ski Racing Australia has recently met with the Heads of States & Clubs to discuss 3 options in relation to the upcoming season. It was unanimous amongst forum members that we would like to see racing start as soon as possible, without being a financial burden on Ski Racing Australia. The meeting also ascertained that some events may need to be flexible with their event dates due to the delayed start to the season, with preliminary discussions already being held around:
Grafton Bridge to Bridge being held late March
H120 moving to the Sydney Bridge to Bridge date
Sydney Bridge to Bridge moving to May.
Whilst nothing is set in stone, this is an indication of some of the changes that may occur.
With the current COVID situation we have Ski Racing Victoria and BRSC/QLD proposing to kick off events in early October, with other areas to follow shortly after.
The board have been working to keep abreast of updates in relation to the recent COVID outbreaks. A decision has been made to designate 3 COVID backup dates in the 2nd half of the calendar, should a major event have to be postponed in the first half of the 2021/2022 season. Whilst this may affect some series or pointscore events, we as a board are wanting to ensure members get the most value for their membership dollars and this may mean new dates are explored. The current proposed backup dates are:
22/23 January 2022
26/27 March 2022
21/22 May 2022
Detailed discussions have been held between the SRA board and the liability insurer surrounding COVID cancelations etc. The insurer has advised that the premium is based on the exposure to risk and is based off approximately 40 events per season being held. This is then broken down into risk categories such as river classics, grand prix, titles events and series days/pointscores. The insurer has advised that they would be open to refunding part of the premium should the level of exposure decrease, ie less events. Therefore, should we have to cancel the season at any stage then we would be looking at a reduction in our premium which will be directly passed onto our members.
Some Classic Event holder clubs have advised they have held preliminary Covid plan discussions with relevant local councils and authorities who are looking to understand our Covid plan. The consensus is that Ski Racing Australia and event holders will need to meet some form of vaccination rate in order to roll in on mass to regional communities for our events.
Memberships are proposed to be sent out to members the week commencing 16 August 2021. The early bird discount will be available to members up until 30 September 2021. Fee structure can be found on page 2.
This year we are also introducing a direct debit facility for membership payment. This will allow you to pay your membership over equal monthly instalments with no interest charge. This offer will only be available up until 30 September 2021.
After consultation with members the board have agreed to allow a 2nd boat membership for the upcoming 2021/2022 season. This will allow a boat owner to run a 2nd boat with no extra outlay of funds as long as it is not entered in the same event. For example a boat owner could run their outboard in the morning class at the Southern 80 and run the inboard in the afternoon class at Southern 80. Owners of 2 boats wanting to run in the same event will need to pay full membership on both boats.
The board has conducted meetings with several clubs throughout the eastern states and have come up with some promotional memberships to attract new and returning members to Ski Racing Australia. We have introduced a Tier 8 membership that is targeted at those members who have been competing for some time now under certain restrictions. Below is an overview on the Tier 8 membership structure.

Restrictions: Tier 8 members will be capped at 85mph and will be able to attend 5 events per season. Tier 8 members will not be able to compete at major classics or titles events unless they upgrade their members. Tier 8 members will not be eligible for personal accident coverage under the SRA insurance policy.
We are excited to announce the new 1/2/3 event membership category as an incentive for new and returning members. As seen below there is speed restrictions on new and returning member. A returning member is considered to be a person or boat that has been a member of Ski Racing Australia in the previous 5 season (2016/2017 and past). This membership category does not allow members it’s members to enter titles events.

For any enquiries on the above please email or check in with your local Racing Club, State body or event holder, they are more than ever being included as we charter new ground in racing.
Jon Horbury
Ski Racing Australia Chairman
If you have any queries or concerns, please don't hesitate to email
Yours in Ski Racing,
Kelly Lindsell
Vice Chairperson