Dear Members,
It has been a few weeks since our last communication, but this time has been extremely productive by way of beginning a new strategy for our sport and naturally working on getting us back on the water racing again. All of the SRA board and I were able to meet face to face for the first time in a year just over a week ago and a full day and evening was utilised to identify where we are, where we want to be and most importantly how do we get there?
During this first strategy session, the board identified five (5) key pillars that will be the focus of further work and initiatives to make the sport more viable long-term and also to ensure SRA stays relevant and delivers better value to its members. As we want to keep our members involved in this process, the key pillars are:
1. Risk Management
2. Insurance
3. Corporate Governance
4. Alternate Revenue Streams
5. Clubs & Events
Whilst these are the areas of focus in short, there is a lot more detail around these to follow in the coming weeks and we will be engaging with our focus group that represent clubs and events and our also members alike. Our aim is to have all the pre-planning for the upcoming season “done and dusted” by the end of April. So, we ask for just a little more patience as we put our heads down to get SRA Sanctioned events, Point Scores and Classic River Races back up and running by the usual season kick-off in August.
As communicated on many occasions, SRA’s Insurance remains the biggest single expense. So, over the past 4-6 weeks we have been working with our broker and underwriter directly to look at what other options may be available to provide adequate protection to our members on the water, but also allow SRA to remain financially viable longer term. Whilst there is currently some racing activity going on in some states, it is clear you all want to see a season up and running and to that point we have held meetings with the majority of ski clubs within Australia in the endeavour to bring the sport back under one Umbrella. As part of the insurance renewal we will also send you all a Survey Monkey questionnaire around insurance related questions and I can assure you we want this sorted and finalized yesterday, but it takes some time as the underwriter considers these various options and SRA obtains legal advice on any new policy. We are working flat out on this critical piece of the puzzle and will be back in contact ASAP.
The newly formed Race Committee have met on a couple of occasions now and are working on a number of initiatives for next season. In addition, the Safety Committee have also met and worked on an updated priority list for the upcoming season, whilst Ben Casey met face to face with Maritime (now Department of Transport) in Sydney recently.
Just over a week or so ago I informed you that Sue Harris has moved on from SRA. This means that the phones are currently being answered, however, please send an email to if you have a query and we will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible.
Finally, the board of SRA is in the process of seeking expressions of interest for a Volunteer Media Liaison. Should you be interest please contact me on for more information in relation to the position
Yours in Ski Racing,
Cam McConville
Chief Executive Officer
PH: 9681 7058
PO BOX 919 Merlynston 3058